Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Hi and Welcome!

I wanted to kick off this 1st posting by explaining a little about myself and why I think it is important to provide this information. 1st off, I gave up on credit card use a little over four years ago. What I found was that I had more money when I didn’t use credit cards. I spent less and saved more. That is something we can all probably benefit from in today’s economy and something that we can continue to use when the economy improves. And yes there were times I “fell off the wagon”.

What I find interesting is the reaction I get from folks when I tell them that I cut up my credit cards. Yes, that deer-in-head-lights look or that I have six heads. Then I hear all the excuses people offer up on how it is not practical NOT to use credits cards in this day and age; or how they beat the credit card companies at their own game by not paying a dime in interest. I would be interested in hearing your reasons.

I am going to delve into many of these topics, offer practical advice, debunk a lot of misinformation, and probably wade into some political waters ever now and again. I will be looking at the news and offer commentary. Just as importantly though, I want to hear from you. I want feedback on the topics; I want ideas on topics that interest you. Together, I am sure we will all learn some things.

Lastly, I am writing a book on this very topic. I promise I won’t hold anything back just to generate books sales (I should be so lucky). In fact, I expect to generate many ideas for that book from this very blog. The only to expect from a book that would not be the case from a blog, would be organization. The blog will be all over the place. Items in the news, questions that you ask, etc. While the book will be organized to maximize its effectiveness.

So let me know what you want to hear about 1st. As for me, I think I may start out about the evils of the credit card companies.

Thanks for participating,


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